How to Submit Your Voice Recordings to Clients

How to Submit Your Voice Recordings to Clients. In a world where communication transcends borders and barriers, the power of the human voice remains unparalleled. It’s the instrument through which we convey emotions, ideas, and stories, making it a priceless asset in various industries. Whether you’re a professional voice actor, a podcaster, or an entrepreneur striving to infuse your brand with personality, your voice recordings hold immense value. But in this digital age, it’s not just about having a captivating voice – it’s about ensuring that your clients can access and utilize your vocal talents seamlessly.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to submit your voice recordings to clients, a vital skill set that can elevate your career to new heights. In a world where remote collaboration is the norm, the ability to efficiently deliver your vocal masterpieces is a game-changer. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out on your voiceover journey, this blog post will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the intricacies of submission with confidence.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll dive deep into the art of sharing your voice recordings in a professional and client-friendly manner. We’ll explore the technical aspects, such as file formats and compression techniques, to ensure your submissions are crystal clear and easy to work with. Moreover, we’ll delve into the importance of organization, ensuring that your clients receive not just a voice recording, but a seamless and stress-free experience from start to finish.

But it’s not all about the technicalities; we’ll also uncover the nuances of effective communication with your clients. You’ll learn how to set expectations, establish a secure feedback loop, and build strong relationships that can lead to repeat business and referrals.

As the saying goes, “Your voice is your greatest tool.” But, as we’ll discover in this guide, submitting your voice recordings to clients effectively is equally vital in ensuring that your talents are recognized and appreciated. So, whether you’re a voice artist looking to dazzle your clients with your professionalism or an entrepreneur seeking to enhance your brand’s sonic identity, you’ve come to the right place.


What is voice recording?

Voice recording is a transformative art and technology that allows us to capture and preserve the beauty, emotion, and essence of the human voice, as well as other sounds, for various purposes. It’s a remarkable tool that has evolved significantly over the years, revolutionizing communication, entertainment, education, research, and countless other fields.

At its core, voice recording involves the process of converting acoustic sound waves, such as speech, singing, or ambient sounds, into an electronic or digital format that can be stored, manipulated, and reproduced. This electronic representation of sound allows us to not only archive and share voices but also enhance and modify them in numerous creative ways.

Let’s dive deeper into the key aspects of voice recording:

1. Historical Evolution: Voice recording has a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century. The invention of the phonograph by Thomas Edison in 1877 marked a significant milestone. It used a rotating cylinder covered in a thin layer of wax to capture and reproduce sound. This early technology laid the foundation for the recording industry, paving the way for innovations like magnetic tape, vinyl records, and eventually digital recording.

2. Digital Age Advancements: The advent of digital technology in the late 20th century revolutionized voice recording. Digital audio recording involves converting sound into binary code (0s and 1s), which can be stored and manipulated digitally. This transition led to compact and portable recording devices, improved audio quality, and the ability to edit and process recordings with ease.

3. Applications: Voice recording has diverse applications across various industries. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Entertainment: Voice recordings are a fundamental component of music production, film, and television. Artists use voice recording to capture performances, create music, and dub dialogues for movies.
  • Communication: Voicemail, video conferencing, and digital assistants rely on voice recording to enable effective communication. These technologies use voice recordings to store and transmit spoken messages.
  • Education: Audio recordings are valuable in educational settings for lectures, language learning, and audiobooks. They offer accessibility to learners of all abilities.
  • Documentation: Voice recordings are used for legal purposes, such as recording interviews, court proceedings, and evidence. They are also crucial in journalism for interviews and field reporting.
  • Voiceovers: Professional voice artists record scripts for commercials, animations, video games, and more. Their performances add depth and character to various media.

4. Technologies and Formats: Voice recording technologies have diversified, ranging from dedicated handheld recorders to smartphone apps and computer software. Common audio file formats like MP3, WAV, and AIFF are used to store voice recordings, each offering different levels of audio quality and compression.

5. Voice Editing and Enhancement: Voice recordings can be edited, enhanced, and manipulated using digital audio workstations (DAWs). This includes tasks like removing background noise, equalizing sound, adding effects, and splicing together different recordings.

6. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Voice recording plays a crucial role in making information accessible to individuals with visual impairments. Audiobooks, screen readers, and voice commands on devices like smartphones and smart speakers have greatly improved accessibility and inclusivity.

In essence, voice recording is not merely a technological process; it’s a gateway to preserving and sharing the richness of human expression and the world’s auditory tapestry. It connects us across time and space, conveying stories, emotions, and knowledge in a way that transcends the written word. Whether for artistic expression, communication, or documentation, voice recording continues to be an indispensable tool in our modern world, bringing sound to life in remarkable ways.

Why is it important to submit your voice recordings correctly?

Submitting your voice recordings correctly is of paramount importance, whether you’re a professional voice artist, a content creator, or someone sharing audio content with clients or collaborators. The accuracy and professionalism with which you deliver your voice recordings can have a profound impact on your reputation, the success of your projects, and the overall satisfaction of your clients. Here are several compelling reasons why it’s crucial to get it right:

1. Professionalism and Credibility: Properly submitting your voice recordings reflects your professionalism and commitment to quality. It sends a strong message to clients that you take your work seriously and that you’re dedicated to delivering the best possible product. This, in turn, enhances your credibility in the industry and can lead to more opportunities.

2. Client Satisfaction: Clients have specific expectations when it comes to receiving voice recordings. Meeting or exceeding these expectations by submitting recordings correctly ensures client satisfaction. A happy client is more likely to provide positive feedback, offer repeat business, and recommend your services to others.

3. Clarity and Consistency: Correct submission ensures that your voice recordings are clear, well-organized, and consistent in format. This makes it easier for clients to review and use the recordings as intended. Clarity in communication is essential, especially when dealing with complex projects or multiple stakeholders.

4. Efficiency and Time Savings: Accurate submission streamlines the entire workflow. It reduces the need for clients to request revisions or additional information, saving time for both parties. Time efficiency can be a competitive advantage in industries where quick turnaround is essential.

5. Legal and Contractual Obligations: In certain industries, such as legal or medical transcription, submitting recordings correctly is not just about professionalism but also about adhering to legal and confidentiality requirements. Mishandling sensitive recordings can have legal consequences.

6. Brand Image and Identity: If you’re submitting voice recordings for branding purposes, ensuring correctness is critical. Your brand’s audio identity, including jingles, slogans, or voiceovers, must be consistent across all channels to create a strong and recognizable brand image.

7. Effective Communication: Submitting voice recordings correctly facilitates effective communication between you and your clients. It ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding project specifications, deadlines, and expectations. Miscommunication can lead to frustration and project delays.

8. Enhanced Collaboration: For collaborative projects, correct submission fosters better collaboration. It allows multiple contributors to work seamlessly together, whether it’s mixing music tracks, dubbing dialogues, or editing podcasts. This collaborative harmony can significantly elevate the final product’s quality.

9. Future Reference and Archiving: Accurate submission helps with future reference and archiving. If you need to revisit or reuse voice recordings for other projects or clients, having a well-organized and correctly submitted archive simplifies the retrieval process.

10. Reputation and Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Your reputation as a reliable professional is built on consistently delivering high-quality work. Clients who receive correct submissions are more likely to become advocates for your services, leading to positive word-of-mouth marketing that can expand your client base.

In conclusion, submitting your voice recordings correctly is not just a technical detail; it’s an essential element of your professional journey. It speaks volumes about your commitment to excellence, fosters client satisfaction, and enhances your overall success in the world of voice recording. So, whether you’re sending voiceovers, podcasts, interviews, or any other audio content, remember that precision in submission is a key ingredient in the recipe for success.

What are the different ways to submit voice recordings?

Submitting voice recordings to clients or collaborators can be done through various methods, each with its advantages and considerations. Here are some common ways to submit voice recordings:

  1. Email: Attach the voice recording file to an email and send it to the recipient. This method is simple and widely used, but it may have limitations on file size.
  2. File Sharing Services: Use cloud-based file-sharing services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive to upload and share voice recordings. These services often allow larger file sizes and provide easy access for recipients.
  3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol): If dealing with large files or secure transfers, FTP servers offer a reliable way to upload and share voice recordings. FTP clients can be used for easy access.
  4. Online Collaboration Platforms: Platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Trello often have built-in file-sharing capabilities, making it convenient to submit recordings within a collaborative workspace.
  5. Specialized Voiceover Platforms: For voice artists, there are specialized platforms like or Voices123, which facilitate voice recording submissions and client interactions.
  6. Content Management Systems (CMS): If you’re managing audio content for a website or podcast, a CMS like WordPress can be used to upload and organize voice recordings.
  7. Physical Media: In certain cases, especially for archival or legal purposes, voice recordings can be submitted on physical media like CDs or USB drives.
  8. Secure File Transfer Services: When dealing with sensitive or confidential recordings, consider using secure file transfer services that offer encryption and data protection.
  9. API Integration: In some cases, voice recordings can be submitted programmatically through application programming interfaces (APIs) for integration with other software or services.
  10. Direct Uploads: If you have access to a content management system, video-sharing platform, or podcast hosting service, you can often upload voice recordings directly to these platforms for distribution.

The choice of submission method depends on factors such as file size, security requirements, client preferences, and the specific context of your work. It’s important to select the most suitable method to ensure a seamless and efficient transfer of voice recordings to your intended recipients.

The best way to submit voice recordings

Submitting voice recordings effectively is crucial to your professional success, whether you’re a voice artist, podcaster, or content creator. Among the various methods available, using a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or WeTransfer stands out as one of the best and most convenient approaches. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it right:

1. Use a Cloud Storage Service

  • Why It’s Effective: Cloud storage services provide a secure and accessible platform for sharing voice recordings. They offer advantages like large storage capacities, ease of use, and the ability to share files with a simple link.
  • Recommendations: Google Drive, Dropbox, and WeTransfer are popular choices. Google Drive offers 15GB of free storage, while Dropbox offers 2GB (with the option to earn more through referrals) and WeTransfer allows for easy transfers of large files.
  • Sign Up or Log In: If you don’t already have an account with your chosen cloud storage service, sign up for one. If you have an account, log in to ensure seamless access to your recordings.

2. Upload in a Lossless Format

    • Why It’s Important: To maintain the highest audio quality, upload your voice recordings in a lossless format. Formats like WAV (Waveform Audio File) or FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) preserve the original sound quality without compression.


  • Conversion if Necessary: If your recording is in a compressed format like MP3, consider converting it to WAV or FLAC before uploading to ensure top-notch quality.

3. Name the File Clearly

  • Why It’s Important: A clear and concise file name makes it easy for both you and your client to identify the recording. It eliminates confusion and streamlines organization.
  • Format for Naming: Include relevant information in the file name, such as the project name, your name or initials, and the take number. For example, “ProjectName_YourName_Take1.WAV.”

4. Include a Brief Description

  • Why It’s Helpful: Providing a brief description of the file within the cloud storage service adds context for your client. It helps them quickly understand what the recording contains without having to listen to it first.
  • What to Include: Describe the content, purpose, or any specific instructions related to the recording. For instance, “Voiceover for TV Commercial – Warm and Friendly Tone.”

5. Share the Link

  • Why It’s Convenient: Instead of attaching large audio files to emails, share a link to the file within the cloud storage service. This reduces email clutter and avoids file size limitations.
  • How to Share: Generate a shareable link from your cloud storage service. Depending on the service, you can often choose whether to allow anyone with the link to view or edit the file. Ensure the link is set to “view” unless you want the recipient to have editing privileges.

6. Notify Your Client

  • Why It’s Essential: After uploading and sharing the link, promptly notify your client via email or a messaging app. Provide clear instructions on how to access the recording and any other relevant details.

By following these steps, you not only ensure the highest audio quality but also simplify the process for both you and your client. Using a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or WeTransfer is a professional and efficient way to submit voice recordings, enhancing your reputation as a reliable and organized professional in the field of audio content creation.

Other Ways to Submit Voice Recordings

While using a cloud storage service is often a preferred method for submitting voice recordings due to its convenience and reliability, there are several other viable options available. Depending on your specific needs and your client’s preferences, you can explore these alternative methods:

1. Email the Audio File as an Attachment:

  • When to Use: Emailing audio files as attachments is suitable for relatively small files that do not exceed the email provider’s attachment size limits.
  • How to Do It: Compose an email, attach the audio file, and send it to your client. Ensure that your email provider supports the file size you intend to send.
  • Considerations: Keep in mind that some email providers may have limitations on attachment sizes, which could lead to issues when sending large audio files.

2. Upload the Audio File to a File-Sharing Website:

  • When to Use: File-sharing websites like MediaFire or SoundCloud are useful when you want to share audio publicly or with a broader audience, such as podcast listeners.
  • How to Do It: Create an account on the chosen file-sharing website, upload your audio file, and set sharing preferences (public or private). Share the provided link with your client.
  • Considerations: Be aware of privacy settings, and ensure that only authorized individuals can access the file if it contains sensitive or confidential content.

3. Send the Audio File via a Messaging App:

  • When to Use: Messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram are convenient for quick, informal exchanges and when you have a strong client-collaborator relationship.
  • How to Do It: Open the messaging app, select your client’s chat, attach the audio file, and send it. Messaging apps often allow for the direct transfer of audio files.
  • Considerations: Check the app’s file size limitations, as they may restrict the size of audio files that can be sent. Additionally, be aware of any privacy or security concerns related to using messaging apps for file sharing.

4. Use FTP for Large or Secure Transfers:

  • When to Use: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is suitable for transferring large audio files or when you require a secure method, often used in professional contexts.
  • How to Do It: Set up an FTP server or use an existing one, and share login credentials with your client. They can then access and download the file using an FTP client.
  • Considerations: FTP may have a steeper learning curve for less tech-savvy clients, but it offers robust security and efficient transfer of large files.

5. Collaborative Platforms and Project Management Tools:

  • When to Use: For projects involving multiple collaborators, consider using collaborative platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Trello, which often provide file-sharing capabilities.
  • How to Do It: Upload the audio file to the platform’s file-sharing feature and share it within the project or team workspace.
  • Considerations: Collaborative platforms are excellent for maintaining a centralized location for project files and communication, but they may require all project members to have access to the platform.

In choosing the right method to submit voice recordings, consider the specific needs of your project, the preferences of your client, and the nature of the content you are sharing. Flexibility in selecting the most appropriate submission method ensures efficient communication and successful collaboration in your audio-related endeavors.

Tips for Submitting Voice Recordings

When it comes to submitting voice recordings, attention to detail and professionalism can make a significant difference in how your work is received by clients and collaborators. To ensure a smooth and successful submission process, consider the following tips:

1. Test the Audio File Before Submitting It:

  • Quality Assurance: Always listen to the entire recording yourself before sharing it. Check for any unwanted background noise, distortions, or other imperfections that might have been introduced during recording or editing.
  • Playback Devices: Test the audio file on different playback devices (e.g., headphones, speakers, and mobile devices) to ensure that it sounds good across various platforms.
  • Client Requirements: Be aware of any specific quality standards or preferences your client may have regarding the audio. Address any issues or revisions before submission.

2. Compress the Audio File if Necessary:

  • File Size Considerations: If the audio file is particularly large, consider compressing it to a more manageable size. Compression can help reduce storage space and speed up upload and download times.
  • Lossless vs. Lossy Compression: Choose between lossless (no loss of audio quality) and lossy (some quality loss) compression methods based on your client’s requirements and the intended use of the recording.
  • Provide Options: If the file size is an issue, consider providing both a high-quality, uncompressed version and a compressed version. This allows your client to choose the one that suits their needs.

3. Embed the Audio File in a Web Page or Document if Possible:

  • Convenience: Embedding the audio file in a web page or document can make it more accessible and user-friendly for your client, especially if they need to review or showcase the recording online.
  • Player Integration: Utilize audio players or widgets that allow easy playback within web pages or documents. Many platforms and content management systems support audio embedding.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that the chosen embedding method is compatible with the client’s preferred web or document format (e.g., HTML, PDF, or multimedia presentation software).

4. Keep a Copy of the Audio File for Your Own Records:

  • Archiving: Maintain a well-organized archive of all your voice recordings. This serves as a backup in case of any unforeseen issues or client requests for revisions.
  • Documentation: Alongside the audio files, keep records of project details, client communications, and any contracts or agreements related to the work. Proper documentation can help resolve disputes or facilitate future reference.
  • Data Security: Consider backup solutions that ensure data security and protection, especially for sensitive or confidential voice recordings.

By following these tips, you can elevate the professionalism and efficiency of your voice recording submissions. Remember that attention to detail not only enhances your reputation as a reliable professional but also contributes to the overall success of your projects and client relationships.

In conclusion, submitting voice recordings is an integral part of the creative and professional processes for voice artists, content creators, and anyone working with audio content. It’s not merely about delivering a file; it’s about presenting your work in a way that showcases your dedication to quality and your commitment to meeting client expectations. To summarize the key takeaways:

  • Choose the right submission method: Select the method that best suits your project’s needs, taking into account factors such as file size, security, and client preferences.
  • Prioritize audio quality: Always test your audio files to ensure they meet the highest quality standards. Address any issues or revisions before submission to maintain professionalism.
  • Be considerate of file size: Compress large audio files when necessary to enhance upload and download efficiency, but provide uncompressed versions when quality matters most.
  • Enhance accessibility: Whenever possible, embed audio files in web pages or documents to make them more user-friendly for clients and collaborators.
  • Keep a well-organized archive: Maintain records of all your voice recordings and project details for future reference and potential revisions.

By following these guidelines and striving for excellence in your voice recording submissions, you not only enhance your professional image but also contribute to the overall success and satisfaction of your clients. Your dedication to quality and attention to detail will set you apart in the world of audio content creation and strengthen your reputation in the industry.