Can I become a blockchain developer without a Degree?

In this article we will be discussing how to become a blockchain developer without having a college degree. Also you will be understanding the basic programming languages you need to have a good knowledge of to be able to be successful as a blockchain developer.

Today skills in blockchain development is one of the most in demand skills that employers of labor in software companies consider when recruiting for new openings. As a person who wants to become a blockchain developer you must be thinking what degrees you must get to fit into any of those companies. But one funny thing is that you don’t need to have a degree from one of the prestigious Universities to become a blockchain developer.

If that must be true, how then could I make it into the development world. Also in this article, you will learn how to become a blockchain developer from scratch and the best programming languages and tools to master in a short time possible. Let’s get started. I think we have though!

All you must have to become a blockchain developer without a Degree is right skills in development and hands-on experience in any of the programming languages. You should also have good knowledge of data structures, Blockchain architecture, Blockchain security, and so on.

What employers really care about is results. If a company believes you’ll provide the most value to them you’ll get the job. It doesn’t matter if you have a degree or a special title.

So, there is no special degree that you must have from a university or college to start your career as a Blockchain Developer. Though getting online certifications can help you gain an in-depth understanding of Blockchain space and become a Certified Blockchain Developer. This will boost your CV when looking for blockchain developer jobs when you have no degree


How to become a block chain developer without a Degree

We have seen from above that it is very possible to start a career in block chain development without having a degree in computer science, cyber security or software engineering. Though these degrees are in demand from most tech companies and will also be an added advantage to anyone who has when looking for a job as a blockchain developer.

How to become a block chain developer without a Degree should not be a source of worry for you if you have the right skills and experience in blockchain development. So what skills will be needed in developing blockchain technology?

Below are how you can become a blockchain developer without a Degree

Learn the basics of blockchain technology.

Like every other skill, as a beginner, the first step to take in becoming a blockchain developer without having a university degree is to learn the basics of blockchain technology. This doesn’t mean you need to know the network architecture and other technical know-how like the hash functions. That will be a letter in the course of your study.

An this first step is understanding important terms on the field like those below:

  • What is a blockchain?
  • DLTs?
  • smart contracts

Having a clear understanding of these terms is very important and will make learning the technical aspects of block chain technology much easier for you as a beginner. As you might have known, there are forms of block chain technology like private blockchain developers, and with this knowledge you can make a firm decision on which career path to follow.

Understand how block chain works in real life

In order to be successful and help you understand the concept of blockchain technology, you need to know how it works and how people interact with it in their everyday life.

Knowing the terms and basics of block chain development, it’s now the stage to get familiar with real-world implementation. You need to communicate and deal with people who either trade crypto currency or other developers to know their views and how they go about it.

You can also start getting use of the blockchain technology like buying some coins or registering for some smart contract and know how they run the program.

You should also remember that crypto currency is just one use of blockchain development, you can source for others if your career path is that way.

As you are working to know the real life impact or implementation of blockchain technology, you will understand more on how it is developed and this will help you in becoming a blockchain developer without a Degree.

Understanding of programming languages and coding

Now you are done with experiencing how the End product of block chain development works, it time you start the main function of a developer- Coding

Though there are many programming languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript but for a career in block chain development I advise learning Solidity. It will help you create and develop dApps and smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain.

After leaving Solidity, you can now go deep into the open-source code of different blockchain platforms. Most of the blockchain platforms or solutions are open source, and hence the code is readily available for scrutiny or learning.

Note, building or maintaining an open-source blockchain is not that easy. There are some challenges such as security, performance, resource management, and isolation that you must surmount to be successful.

Below is what is needed in your hand.

  • Create a simple block
  • Create a blockchain out of it
  • Understand what is genesis block and implement it
  • Adds the blocks to the blockchain
  • Validate the chain
  • Use it by doing test runs.
  • If you do everything correct, you will have a basic working blockchain!

Master Smart Contracts

Smart contract is a computer protocol similar to legal contract in real life. It is an important part of blockchain technology that many industry and organization are deploying to their general good

You can use it to automate or add functionality to your dApps. A smart contract needs to have three main features, including deterministic, terminable, and isolation.

Research further

After the above things that will help you become a blockchain developer without a Degree, you need to research more on current information on the career and try to include them on your projects, this will make you always relevant in your nich.

What are programming languages you need to become a block chain developer

To help you to fasting your road to becoming a block chaindeveloper, I will be talking about some of the programming languages you need to become a blockchain developer. There are many programming languages used for different purposes though you can use more than one a single project. So what programming languages is needed to be a blockchain developer

Best programming languages for block chain development

Use Python for Blockchain development

Python is one of the most preferred language for developing smart contracts and blockchain-based projects by top developers. It’s mostly used in crypto exchange development, even though it can be easily extended to work with other cryptocurrencies as well.

Python is a robust and versatile language that can reduce development time, making it one of the top choices for developing blockchain applications.

Moreover, it offers open-source support and frameworks with libraries such as Numba, which speeds up code without sacrificing performance or security.

Use Solidity for Blockchain

Solidity is one of the new programming languages that many companies are using right now and it’s popularity has been on the increase in the past few years. This is mainly because of its ability to develop dApps. This makes many businesses to switch to Solidity programming language.

Also, solidity is a high-level programming language like JavaScript, C++, and Python. Like these other common languages, it’s contract-oriented, which means smart contracts are responsible for storing all of the logic used in blockchains, making this one of today’s top blockchain coding options.

If you want to build your smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, Solidity is an excellent programming language for this purpose. Smart contracts that run in alternative blockchains are easily portable with just one line of code.

Although it might be new compared to other programming languages (such as C or Java), over 200 thousand developers already use this powerful tool. Hence it might be easier for you to hire blockchain developers.

Use Java for Blockchain

Java is a popular languages for decades and one of the best blockchain programming languages for smart contracts. Web and application developers employ it to develop countless applications and games.

Java is very versatile and it is in used in almost all web systems, and it makes developers free to manage app logic and dodging the need to focus on integration. It’s flexibility makes it possible for programmers to use it to write codes for many uses.

In addition, Java has code portability and this makes several blockchain companies to use Java to develop their applications. It has been used in creating smart contracts such as Truffle, ARK.

Use GoLang for Blockchain

GoLang is a programming language developed internally at Google. It is compiled multi-threaded language and allows for different processes to run simultaneously. This means that it can handle multiple parts of blockchain simultaneously and effectively.

Extremely fast with accessible maintenance features makes Go the perfect choice when distributing your dApp on Ethereum’s network as well.

Today, the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain platform uses this programming language. Plus, it has become one of the more popular ones in NFT marketplace development.